Tuesday, February 04, 2014


An email!

"Sir! We represent a company called Bistro Tea, and we enjoy reading your fine website. How would you like some free TeaPods from us?"

Why yes, I would very much like some free TeaPods from you, thank you very much please thank you sir or madam.

"And you you like to offer your readers the chance to win an absolute shedload of free TeaPods tea into the bargain?"

Why yes, that too.

Tea, as you know, is the drink of the gods, particularly (ONLY) if drunk in the English style - for eg, brewed in a cup and drowned in milk. Any other way is tantamount to BLASPHEMY, but it's a free world and even blasphemers are allowed to drink tea how they like, even if they are wrong.

So, those very kind people at TeaPods sent a selection from their range, and very fine they were too. I luxuriated in perhaps the finest Earl Grey I have ever tasted, and I am assured by others that the others - a mint-flavoured Green Tea and a fruit berry tea - are also very fine, despite them being against my religion (black tea, white, milk).

Now, here's the thing about TeaPods. They're fresh tea in a high-tech diffuser that's part tea-bag, part spoon. Absolute genius, and perfect for the lazy high-class tea drinker who can never find a spoon.

They're simple, beautiful, and - proof that you CAN get a decent cup of tea outside the UK - the height of German design. Read that and weep, Tetley Tea Folk.

So, you want to win ALL the TeaPods tea in the world? Trust me, you do.

Navigate HERE, answer the simple question, and you're in with a chance of entering tea heaven.

So, in summary: TeaPods tea from our new pals at Bistro Tea. Excellent. Get some at a spiffy 15% discount.

Here endeth the plug.


  1. Rift Valet8:29 am

    Where's the cake? You promised us cake.

  2. Free tea: good.

    Animated splash page on website: bad.

    I'm torn.

  3. Facey Romford9:38 am

    Those Bistro people sound like anarchists to me; they don't believe in Proper Tea.


  5. Non-compostable tea-bag making philistine planet wreckers!
    Go get your own tree to hug.

  6. Facey Romford10:30 am

    Actually, I first read it as 'Bisto Tea'; everyone's favourite beef beverage.

  7. @Facey Romford, you can still get Bovril tea on the terraces at Vicarage Road...

  8. the thought . . . . . AH Bisto keeps popping into my head, that can not be right . . . . I will stick with old tech tea.

  9. I second TRTs comment. I pop my tea bags on the compost heap, and there gone in no time.... little snacks for my woodlice and worms.

  10. tamPod3:47 pm

    Catherine Breillat's 'Anatomy of Hell' comes to mind.

  11. This genuinely looks fascinating. But not available from Ocado. bastards. will have to stick to whisky.

  12. Anonymous10:13 am

    do they do one with frothy milk - a 'cuppatino'?
