Sunday, December 22, 2002

"Ho. Ho. Ho. Again."

It's that time of year again. Children roasting on an open fire. Drunken neighbours giving little chance of a Silent Night. And that's before you get trampled underfoot by Christmas shoppers in your endless quest for a PS2, snotty little kids in puffer jackets singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" at the front door and forgetting half the words, the abject fear of receiving last-minute cards from people you haven't sent greetings to. No wonder the world's going mad.

Then we got this. It's twenty minutes of a crazy nutty bonkers Christmas tape sent in by one of the more remote employees of a small company as a Christmas gift. It's a four megabyte download, but by God it's worth it. Bear with it - it gets better as it goes along. My mind has been left indelibly scarred by a scary, scary version of "Walking in the Air". Karen's Kristmas Kraka - the gift that keeps on giving. I just want my mind back.

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