Monday, September 19, 2005

Ebay Weirdness

Ebay weirdness

So it’s come to this. An urgent phone call at work: “I’ve got to go and pick up the kids from school. Could you bid on something on Ebay for me?”


“It’s collectable. Stuff like this will be worth a fortune one day. It was on the Antiques Roadshow.”

It’s a bear. A teddy bear that snores when you squeeze its belly. Two pounds ninety-nine.

To misquote the lovely, lovely Sarah Cracknell from St Etienne – “Won it, put it in a drawer, and will forget he ever bought it.”

Don’t tell, I’m getting her a Steiff for her birthday. And thussly, my annual bonus has been pissed up the wall.


Petty things that get on your tits:

* It's a Reliant Robin for God's sake and not, repeat, NOT a Robin Reliant. The name of the company is Reliant, the model is a Robin. Add a wheel and it becomes a Reliant Kitten, fluffiest of all car names.

* It's not appauled or apaulled it's APPALLED. I dunno, some people's spelling can be just appalling.

* Ebay deleting a comedy auction ("Anal Jewelry") which I had lined up for today's Ebay Weirdness post. Gah!

That is all. Tell me more.

Also, Also

Yarr! Yaaaaraaarrarrrr! Shiver me timbers. And Yarrrrrr! Me hearties.

(That's enough pirate talk - ed)

P.S. Yarrrr.

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