Saturday, May 06, 2006

Save Miel Day

Save Miel Day

Miel is one of my longest-standing online friends. We've never met, (something to do with the Atlantic Ocean and most of continental America getting in the way), but I've known her from even before I started this site, where we'd both loaf about on the Wil Wheaton messageboard, which eventually spawned this blogging monster you are reading now.

Miel is many things. Clever, witty, enigmatic, fluent in Chinese, a musician, a single mum, fragile, unlucky in love. She's appeared on a Chinese TV advert. She's taught violin to kids after studying under the famous Dr Shinichi Suzuki in Japan. I have known and trusted her for at least six years.

And now, it's all gone wrong.

Trusting who she thought was her knight in shining armour, he instead left her to cope, alone, miles from home, without even her kids for company. I know the feeling, for I've been that kind of bastard man in my darkest years. She's got nothing, and all she wants is to get back home, see her children who live with their father, start afresh. She's got her teaching to fall back on, but without a couple of brass farthings to rub together, Miel can't even get back to start up again.

Miel is incredibly embarrassed about asking for the charity of others, but desperate times call for a man without shame. That'll be me, then. Just like the last Scaryduck appeal, we're collecting to help a damsel in distress. Anything you can spare will help bring a friend back to her kids. This is genuine make-a-difference stuff.

I can't thank you enough over the results of the last beg: we actually raised enough to send Misty to the entire Discworld convention, with enough spare to ensure she won't be sleeping in a tent in the grounds. That was, of course, a gift to a fellow blogger who has had a pretty shitty century. This time, could you see your way to help put someone's life right?

Paypal donations to:, and I'll pass it on; or email same address with your queries.

Your reward for reading this far: Boris Johnson vs Germany. Best YouTube video EVER.

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