Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The chilling fact that connects the world's most evil serial killers

The chilling fact that connects the world's most evil serial killers

- Peter Sutcliffe

- Charles Manson

- Unabomber Ted Kaczynski

- Osama bin Laden

- Washington sniper John Allen Muhammad

- Dr Harold Shipman

- Jehovah

- Captain Birdseye

What's the connection?

Spotter's badge if you've noticed they are some of the world's worst mass murderers (or best, depending on your perspective)

But what's the other connection?


These curs were so busy killing their victims utterly TO DEATH that they didn't have time to shave.

There is one simple, knee-jerk solution: SAY NO TO BEARDS

Notable exceptions:

- Jesus

- Abraham Lincoln (but NOT evil zombie Honest Abe)

- Rolf Harris, and his twin brother Rofl Harris

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