Tuesday, August 06, 2002

"Return from the Return to the Wedding from Hell Part II"

*** Boring traditional Blog entry alert ***

Well, what a disappointment that was. Just to prove that the sequel is never as good as the original, absolutely nobody got killed, maimed or even vaguely insulted at Tanya and Richard's wedding. In fact, it all went rather swimmingly, even though the hotel was more boarding school dormitary than five star luxury. The main protagonists of Wedding From Hell Part One all sat out in the rain looking miserable while we frugged the night away. So laid back was the vibe, I even went so far as to compose this rather sweet haiku:

Bad organ player
Vows spoken and rings exchanged
Bride nips out for smoke.

It was, as it turned out, a most excellent affair. Sorry for raising your hopes so much.

*** Normal service resumed ***
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