Thursday, March 12, 2009

On things you shouldn't do when you've got an in-growing toe-nail

On things you shouldn't do when you've got an in-growing toe-nail

A short list of things you shouldn't do when you've got an in-growing toe-nail

No.1: Go shopping in a supermarket on pension day, where every trolley has at least one wonky wheel, laser-guided directly onto your poor, aching foot.

"Oh, sorry duck. Didn't see you there."

No.2: Take part in an impromptu lunchtime kick-about in the car park for a) shits and b) giggles

"I hardly touched him ref!"

No.3: Spend a day in those high heels you knew would be agony the moment you clapped your eyes on them in Dolcis

Err... said too much

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