Friday, January 25, 2013

Snowy "Dogston" O'Hanrahan: A Tribute

Sad to report that our canine pal Snowy "Dogston" O'Hanrahan snuffled off this mortal coil at around 5 o'clock yesterday evening. He'd taken a turn for the worse over recent weeks, and it was clear that his heart and lungs could no longer cope. At the age of 17, it was the best we could do for him, and the last few days gave us time to prepare for a loving, painless end for the little chap.

Still, it's easier to remember him like this:

Or utterly unable to sleep in a bed like this:

And, indeed, with his beak on like this:

We are, you will be pleased to hear, not entirely without dog, having adopted Charlie "Medium Beans" O'Hanrahan a couple of months ago:

Both Charlie and Snowy were adopted by Jane from Oldies Club, a rescue charity that re-houses older dogs into loving homes. Oldies were kind enough to support Snowy's not inconsiderable vet bills, and for that we are very grateful. Like any charity, they rely on donations to continue their work, and if you'd like to help us give thanks for the life of our smelly, bad-tempered, lovable little monkey, please consider a donation.

Goodbye, Dogston. You were stinky, but we loved you.


  1. A very difficult thing to have to do - nicely written, and excellent pictures, though.

  2. Erin has it right.

  3. Never a nice thing, but he went to his end well loved.

  4. Anonymous8:51 pm

    They say that dogs give you unconditional love, but they never do - they demand your heart and then they break it.

    But we keep on doing it, don't we?
