Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The case of the missing sofa (solved)

"Where's the sofa gone?"
"Beg pardon?"
"The sofa. The one in the Prayer Room."
"It's not a Prayer Room, it's a non-denominational Quiet Room."
"A a non-denominational Quiet Room that had prayer mats, a big cross and a sofa. What happened to the sofa?"
"We didn't think a sofa was appropriate for a non-denominational Quiet Room, so we had it destroyed. The £27 we found down the back has gone toward a luxury hand towel for the Executive Washroom."

"A what for the whatty what?"
"A luxury hand towel for the Executive Washroom. It's a wonder this business even functioned."
"So... What about the sofa? Do you WANT to get the union involved?"

"Steady on, old chap, remember the concessions we gave over soup in the vending machine?"

"Let's make it perfectly clear: I worship my God through the medium of sleep. You are persecuting me."

There was a pause. I dare say one would call it "pregnant".

"Oh, look what I found in the back of my estate car. It wasn't destroyed after all. Ha-ha."

The right to worship has been restored.

*Didn't actually happen, though somebody once "borrowed" the office fridge without asking for a week when they moved house. They were asked to bring it back.


  1. Anonymous9:25 am

    Cheer up, little loony lad. Soon the ECHR will give *everyone* the right to a sofa.

  2. Next apply for a holy trinity (3-piece) suite. With a chaddor.

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