Thursday, March 28, 2013

There is no more ridiculous sight in the world than...

There is no more ridiculous sight in the world than...

...a grown man riding a BMX bike during the morning rush hour

...a grown man in a suit riding a BMX bike during the morning rush hour

...a grown man in a suit riding a child's scooter during the morning rush hour

...a grown man in a suit riding a child's scooter during the morning rush hour stopping off to have a go on a bouncy castle

...a grown man in a suit riding a child's scooter during the morning rush hour stopping off to have a go on a bouncy castle whilst proclaiming "As Ozymandias is my witness, I have no plans to lead the Conservative party"

I don't know why there's a bouncy castle by the side of the road in the morning rush hour, just go with it.


  1. Not successful in thinking up anything more ridiculous looking.

  2. Big People on Little Bikes.....Epic Fail!
    Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. A man sat in a big chauffeur driven limo, stationary in heavy traffic, being passed by a man in a suit, on a BMX, who has even had time to have a bounce on a bouncy castle...

    or is it that I just like:

  4. A gigantic wank tank, with bicycles attached to the rear and roof, en route to a cycle path.
