Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More people to go up against the wall come the revolution

The next group of people who will be up against the wall come the revolution are:

  • Drivers who occupy both lanes in a traffic queue to stop other drivers going faster than them

Now, I've no objection to a bit of tactical blocking in the last yards of this sort of situation in order to stop queue-jumpers, but this bloke carried on like this for the best part of a mile while the right hand lane remained utterly empty in front of him.

The guy in the silver car, who seemed to be otherwise a decent chap was FUMING.

"What are those concrete pipes for?" asked Jane as we sat looking at his exhaust for twenty minutes.

"For sticking UP HIS ARSE" is the correct answer.

Spotter's badge if you recognised the A303 near Stonehenge, the traffic jam capital of the world.


  1. Pshaw! There's plenty of room to go around that guy! :D

  2. BigAl811:10 pm

    I'll be the one on me bike roarin' past you on the 303 on me way to Deben...

  3. Begs two questions) There's a queue in front of him so why swap one tit for a load more and b) I guess you're in the camper van of doom. Does it actually do 40 mph?

  4. Camper van of doom easily does 70mph...
