Wednesday, April 02, 2014

'Enthusiastic Vandals'

Rude Boys, according to the Daily Mirror in 1980, were enthusiastic vandals. This is a good thing, because there's nothing quite so bad as a half-hearted one.

I speak from personal experience, because as a teenager I was a New Romantic who used chalk to write on toilet walls.

Chalk, I ask you. My legacy would last right up to the moment that it next rained.

However, those rains didn't come soon enough, and my reign of terror soon came to an end. This was - in the main - that I was the only graffiti artist in small village who signed his own work.

Half-hearted vandalism - it's Route One to a whole world of woe.


  1. "Route One to a whole world of woe"
    ...that's a book title, for sure

  2. Anonymous4:32 pm

    " a teenager I was a New Romantic who used chalk to write on toilet walls......"

    "......My legacy would last right up to the moment that it next rained......"

    Do they not supply roofs for the Facilities in that small village of yours?
    New Romantic indeed. Nuthin' says romance like having to void one's bladder and/or colon while exposed to the elements. Like walking in the rain, I figger.
