"Excuse me waiter...

...but I asked for Eggs Benedict"
In your face John so-called Betjeman.
I saw a fox
and it crossed the road
Bugger me sideways
it used the Green Cross Code.
And now it's gone
To teach its cub
All about
The Tufty Club.
Dear LemsipThere, I feel better already.
Congratulations on your superb paracetamol-and-citrus-fruit based cold remedy, which has served me well in recent bouts of man-flu, girl-flu and real-flu.
HOWEVER, I must draw your attention to the deeply unpleasant experience I encountered at the hands of your products.
Finding myself laid low with a genuine case of the real-flu, I sent my charming wife down to the local shops on a quest for a packet of your finest Lemsip cure-all, for there is nothing like the taste of hot, zesty lemon to make to feel at least ten per cent alive when you are coughing your eyeballs out.
But, I am sad to report that you have given women a choice. A choice of poncy flavours, and as any man will tell you, when given a choice of poncy flavours, a woman WILL buy poncy flavours.
That is why I found myself lying on my sofa forced to choose between Lemsip Blackcurrant flavour (reminiscent of an ill-advised dare involving a Frenchman's jockstrap on a rugby tour) and Lemsip (and I quote) "Wild Berry and Hot Orange". I tried it, and I dare say it's a taste that attracts the likes of Wayne Rooney to grab-a-grany nights, but it made me vow - the moment I was well enough - to service my chainsaw to a level that would allow me to hunt down and punish those responsible for this BLASPHEMY.
Although you and your brand are part of what the tin-foil-helmets call "Big Pharma", happily scraping us and our minor ailments (and life-threatening shit like man-flu) for every penny we have, you are clearly over-stepping the mark with the addition of your Lemsip Ponce range. If I wanted my ineffective cold remedies to taste like cat's piss, I'd grab one of our local Mad Cat Woman's scabby creatures, squeeze it like a set of bagpipes and drink whatever comes out. AND ENJOY IT.
Your pal
Albert O'Balsam, Weymouth
- Shouting "IN" every time you do a runLook, Australia. Just do things you're good at: Chocolate biscuits.
- One-bounce-one-hand counts as a legitimate catch
- Underarm bowling only
- In honour of the 2010/11 series 'Silly Point' to be renamed 'Sad and Lonely Loser Point'
- English players to get first pick of the protective boxes. Australian players to share the one remaining, suspiciously dented and sickeningly stained protective
- Until they can be trusted with the grown-up equipment once again, all Australian cricket must be played using sets purchased from sea-side tat shops, and a tennis ball
- Ricky Ponting to remain Australian captain, forever and the convicts' national anthem to change from "Advance Australia Fair" to a medley comprising "Advance Australia Rubbish" and 10cc's "Dreadlock Holiday". Played on a Stylophone. By Rolf Harris, and his funnier brother, ROFL Harris
- The official title of the sport will have the following words added: "Australia" "is" "shit" "at"
* People with rabiesThis time next year, Rodders, we'll be homeopathic millionaires.
* People who are planning on getting stuck in a desert
* Firemen who need access to ALL THE WATER IN THE WORLD but only have very, very small fire engines due to fair and progressive Big Society budget cuts
* The National Association of Homeopathic Swimmers
* Homeopathic coffee drinkers
* Homeopathic Holy Water - two useless concepts for the price of one!