In retrospect, Kim's visit to the Pyongyang Children's Foodstuff Factory could have gone better for all concerned.
"Sweet mother of Kim Il-Sung, haven't you got any Haribo?" |
"Look, I just want a packet of sweet, sweet Haribo, and now you're causing a queue" |
"I don't care if Haribo is dead people, I'm the Supreme Leader and I want Haribo" |
"I will personally kill the next person and enslave three generations of their family who says I can't have Haribo" |
"Worst lucky dip ever" |
"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" |
Next stop, a return visit to the lube factory.
"Yay lube!" |
Boring reality of the factory visit
here, if you're interested.
Having read the reviews for Haribo on Amazon dot com, I'm surprised that the CIA don't send Kim Jong Un bulk supplies of the sweets.
Our boy loves that lube, doesn't he?
Didn't you previously show this pic together with others of a visit to The Peoples Slightly-High-Heeled Womens Shoe Factory?
I remember thinking at the time that there might be uncomfortable times ahead for Mrs. Kim, but now I'm wondering if there not be onother side to The Plump Leader.
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