Thursday, June 09, 2011

On historical re-enactment

On historical re-enactment

I think we are all agreed that 1970's pornography was a high-water mark in our society's cultural development, and is a thing that should be celebrated.

Alas, outside of late-night showings on German television, finding genuine 1970s smut is becoming increasingly hard to come by, and this great art is in danger of becoming lost in the mists of time.

If many perfectly normal people can find it within themselves to dress up as Vikings, Cromwellian soldiers or troops from the Napoleonic Wars, then there is nothing to prevent the formation of a Seventies Pornography Re-Enactment Society, in which perfectly normal people almost nearly take their clothes off, and almost nearly - but not quite - have sex. All to the cheesiest music ever composed.

The Order of the Sealed Grot.

No need to thank me. Just another public service.

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