Still confused? NYAN CAT
And this is what you get when you put Nyan Cat over a Slipknot video. Genius.
Assistant: "That'll be £5.99 madam. Have you got a Boots Advantage Card?"Five minutes later...
Customer: "Why, yes. Yes I have. It's in my purse somewhere..."
That told her, exit stage left.
Assistant: "That'll be £1.99, sir"
Me: "Aren't you going to ask me if I have a Boots Advantage Card?"
Assistant: "Err.... Have you got a Boots Advantage card, sir?"
Me: "No, I have not, for my loyalty lies elsewhere."
HOLY CARP! - All your breaking news from the world of fishI am certain there are more. Help a man out.
SPANG! - For stories in which somebody is hit in the face with a frying pan
GOOOOOOOOOOOOL! - Sports, the longer the "GOOOOL", the bigger the story
FOOKING FOOK! - Gorsdon Ramsay news alerts
CH-CH-CHING! or CASHBACK! - Financial news
THAR SHE BLOWS! - Reserved for made-up stories about Katie Price, Kerry Katona, or the cast of The Only Way is Essex
"Well, Mr Chavverton, we put it to you that you consumed an excess of alcohol that evening, and picked on Mr Victim at random, beating him to an inch of your life for your own depraved gratification and the chance of a knee-trembler with an easily-impressed velour-clad tart round the back of the British Legion. What do you say to that?"WOOOMPH! Also: A shower of blood, gore and freshly-butchered meat
"Shut yer maarf, I never done nuffin"
"Would the Prime Minister confirm that he knew nothing about this scandal, and that he is entirely innocent of the accusations that cover the front pages of all this morning's newspapers, except the Daily Star?"WOOMPH! Also: A shower of blood, gore and freshly-butchered meat
"Why, yes. I would like to make it absolutely clear that I have never met Ms Bosoms, and on no occasion did I give her an envelope filled with used twenties from the Downing Street cake and booze fun, and..."
Dear JK Rowling,This time next year, Rodders...
Congratulations on your popular Harry Potter book series! I know you are busy having money fights with Bill Gates, Richard Branson and select, non-chavvy lottery winners, so I've made a start on Book Eight for you.
Here we go:
It is eleven years after the events of the original series, and the robots in the future have decided to send another, more powerful Voldemort T1000 back in time to kill off the boy wizard Harry Potter and thus win the war.
However, the rebels have also sent back a reprogrammed Voldemort T-800 back in time to protect Harry, and they get the old gang back together again to battle this new menace.
But first, they've got to bust Hermione out of the Azkhaban mental hospital, after she woke up screaming one morning following the awful realisation that she actually married Ron Weasley.
Over to you, JK. All you've got to do is add all the Famous Five guff and you're done.
Your pal
Albert O'Balsam
Me: "OK, when's a good time to call you and discuss something?"If I wasn't already divorced, I'd get a divorce.
Her: "About 7pm."
Me: "7pm? Won't you be watching Emmerdale?"
Her: "I don't watch it any more. It's gone rubbish."
Dear the Lulworth EstateAnd don't get me started on Giggleswick
As a recent visitor to Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door, I really ought to point out something that is missing from the whole experience.
You see, after paying £7.50 to leave my car in a field for the day, I expect - at the very least - a cavalcade of fun throughout the entire day.
Instead, there were no clowns to punch, no escalator to nowhere that claimed the lives of unsuspecting coach parties full of pensioners, and it rained for the whole afternoon. And - sadly - it wasn't even a RAIN OF PIRANHA FISH, devouring those too slow to amble to the shelter of the public toilets.
In short, Lulworth, I paid for LULz and I got no LULz.
Hardly what you'd call LUL WORTH, eh?
Sort it out you planks.
Your pal,
Albert O'Balsam
Dear Theresa May,There is not way on God's Earth she can ignore this letter. Mainly because it's written in six-inch high letters with green crayon.
Congratulations on your latest shoe purchase! The knee-length jackboot look is so YOU.
I've written before about my plan to arm police with silly string in order to calm riots situations. However, I've taken the time to refine my plan and have come up with something that is 100 per cent guaranteed to end even the most violent of situations.
The problem: Current police tactics - kettling, baton charges and use of police horses only make people angry, and the situation more explosive. By bringing a party to the party, police can actually turn that crowd's frown upside-down and the riot will be over before it even gets a chance to begin.The solution (1): Custard pie fights. Let those angry young people work out their aggression on each other through the tried-and-tested medium of the custard pie fight. Indeed, the police can go as far as providing the protagonists with ammunition by driving vans full of custard pies into the conflict zone and allowing events to follow their natural, messy course.
The more enterprising police force may actually use pie vending machines, recouping at least some of that expensive police overtime into the bargain, if you can keep Eric Pickles away from the nosh.
The Solution (2): Once custard pie supplies are exhausted, it's time to move in with the silly string. Everybody loves silly string, and even the most militant of crusties will forget all about smashing the capitalist military-industrial complex once the fluorescent pink stuff starts flying.Then, move in the heavy artillery - SILLY STRING CANNONS - wait for the former rioters to be trapped in a great hardened mass of pink goo, and it's simply a matter of time moving in and arresting them all before they eat their way out.
Result: End of riot, a big party, free love, the whole nine yards.
I am not mad.
Your pal
Albert O'Balsam