Colonial readers: It is a public holiday over here. Talk amongst yourselves and discuss how best to serve the Empire.
Top Tip: The previous two may actually be the same person, thus scoring double and saving you valuable shallow grave space
10 points: The person who asks the most rambling, overlong not-to-the-point-al-all questions and must be destroyed
10 points: The person who asks the most pointless questions, forcing the trainer or boss to repeat the last 15 minutes of the meeting, and must be destroyed
20 points: The person who asks the question you were about to ask, thus making you look like a complete plank when you are handed the microphoneTop Tip: Write in your own name for this one
25 points: The person who has forgotten to arrange the biscuits, and must be destroyed. By fire
5 points: The person who nods off and snores during the boring bits, and wakes up to find they've got ALL the action points
50 points: The person who takes copious notes, but in reality is actually writing up a load of stupid shit for his blog.Top tip: Me again
1,000 points: The person who asks a question during that "Oh God, nobody say anything, or YOU WILL DIE BY MY HAND" pause at 4.55pm when the boss asks "Are there any more questions?", and must be destroyedWhen I finish this book, I'm, going to start on my new one: "I-Spy Hedges"
I am not mad.
Dear Dr Fox
Congratulations on your new job at the MoD. It's not often a DJ makes the cross-over to high government office, so: RESPECT, dude.
This letter is to inform you of an incredible discovery I have made that will swing the Afghan conflict our way, and save - in these days of austerity - the Treasury £££s!!!
After a careless accident involving a cheese toasted sandwich (I believe you posh types call them 'Welsh Rarebit') and a microwave oven, you may be delighted to hear that I have invented a new way to mass-produce napalm.
All you need is your boffins at Q Division to design some sort toast-shaped gun, and I fully expect this new weapon to be the Scourge of the Taliban within months, Bin Laden cowering in his cave in fear of our new lunch-based bazooka.
Also, left to cool for a bit, and it's a tasty snack for our hard-working troops.
No need to thank me. We're all in this together.
Please play anything by Phil Collins.
Your pal,
Albert O'Balsam
Scene: Indoors, day.OK, Hollywood - time to play catch-up. Heaven knows the man needs the work now.
Ann Noreen Widdecombe's show is disturbed by the doorbell. Wearing nothing but a damp, see-through bathrobe, she answers the door to a gerntleman in a suit.
Music: 70's wokka-wokka-wokka funk
Man: Hello. My name's Gordon Brown
"Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown, this time I'm comin' down"We climbed into the car after what had been an emotional funeral. My mother had died suddenly of an illness that may or may not – for we will never know - have been accelerated by the medication she had been taking for another condition.