2010 was the year I fell back in love with music, and I've got the BBC to thank for that. If they hadn't decided to close down the BBC 6Music radio station (a ludicrous decision that was thankfully reversed), I wouldn't have heard half of the songs I enjoyed this year.Thanks to 6Music, I shall be clinically deaf by the time I am fifty.
I know that any top ten is pretty subjective stuff and quite possibly the worst thing you can do as a blog article, so for every song that I like, at least 90% of you will either hate or shrug "Well, I've never heard of them."
10. Gypsy and the Cat - Time to Wander
The perfect fusion of Australian and French pop music, because you can never get too much Australian and French fusion pop music
9. Broken Social Scene - All to All
I listened to some other Broken Social Scene stuff, and thoroughly disliked them. This is pretty good, though
8. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Zero
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Unless you hate it, then: No. No No.
7. Delphic - Counterpoint
"The next New Order". Except they're nothing like New Order.
6. Wolf Gang - Lions in Cages
Another monstrously talented individual pretending to be a band when, in fact, it's just him.
5. The National - Bloodbuzz Ohio
Miserablists strike gold with this marvellous slice of misery
4. Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill
"Oh, I've heard of them. Pretentious Mockney bastards."
3. Freelance Whales - Generator Second Floor
Charming band from New York who really ought to be introduced to...
2. Megan Washington - Sunday Best
In which Megan Washington (with whom I am not obsessed) is NOT my top song of the year. That accolade goes to...
1. Sage Francis - Best of Times
Because 2010 was the year I went mad, got better, and fell in love with this. Trust me kid: It's not the end of the world.
Happy New Year.